Friday, March 16, 2012


I did not post any thing yesterday because we were busy spending time with our angels on their 9th birthday!  We had a fun day we took them shopping and played outside.  But first I had to take one of my angels to see his oncologist,  yes, his oncologist you see he needs to see him every 3 months to make sure that the "C" word has not invaded his body again.  While we were at the hospital of course they knew it was his birthday so they had a balloon and a card for him and all the oncologists and teams sang Happy Birthday to him and gave him a gift card.  It was pretty great!  Things would have been better had we found out his results early on, but they did not have them ready by the time we left so of course all those negative thoughts crept into our minds since this was a first for us of not having the results from his tests back before we had to leave.  We had faith though but still we are human and thought oh gosh did it grow back, did they see another spot?  It was kind of difficult to get that out of our heads but once we got the news we all said OK now we can celebrate!  Thank you JESUS!!!!  One of the angels was sound asleep and in his bed before 8p, while we were at  hospital my husband took him to a playground near our house so that he can get out too, so he must have really played hard.  Then when we got back from  hospital he & I baked cupcakes plus the shopping so he had a full day and must have been extra tired.  MY SWEET ANGELS  I LOVE YOU SO MUCH~ I THANK GOD FOR YOU EVERYDAY!!!  HAPPY & BLESSED BIRTHDAY~

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